Yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India.

The term Yoga has been defined in various ways in different Indian philosophical and religious traditions. In ‘Yoga-Sutras’ of Patanjali (4th century BCE), it is define as ‘Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodhah’, meaning Yoga is the calming down of the fluctuations/ patterns of consciousness in a body.

The word ‘Yoga’ literally means union. Practicing yoga is beneficial for the body and mind. Yoga therapy gives benefits in various disease conditions. Practicing Yoga daily helps to keep a sound body and sound mind.


In the classical ‘Ashtanga Yoga system’ the ultimate goal of yoga practice is to achieve the state of “Samadhi”.

Ashtanga Yoga

The eight stages of ‘Ashtanga Yoga’ are

  1. Yama

The five observances are:

  • Ahinsa – non – violence, not harming other living beings
  • Satya – truthfulness, non – falsehood
  • Asteya – non stealing
  • Aparigraha – non possessiveness
  • Brahamacharaya – fidelity to one’s partner

        2. Niyama

The five observances are:

  • Sauca – purity, clearness of mind, speech and body
  • Santosha – contentment, acceptance of others and one’s circumstances
  • Tapas – persistent, meditation, perseverance
  • Svadhyaya – study of self, self-reflection
  • Ishvara – Pranidhara – contemplation of God /true self

 3. Asana

Literally meaning seat and in Patanjali’s sutras, it refers to the seated position used for meditation.

   4. Pranayama

Breathing exercises, breath stretch, extend, restrain, stop

5. Pratyahara

Withdrawal of the sensory organs from external objects

6. Dharana

Concentration, bringing the attention on a single object

7. Dhyana

Meditation, intense contemplation of the nature of object in meditation

8. Samadhi

Liberation, merging consciousness with object of meditation